Training Programs Animation Digital Game Artist Certificate

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Digital Game Artist Certificate

This online Digital Game Artist Certificate course will train you to become a professional video game artist by developing core skills for jobs related to Digital Art, 3D Art, Modeling, Character Design, and Environmental Art Design.

Digital Game Artist Certificate
$2,595.00 (USD)

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  1. 3D Modeling I
    1. Getting Started
    2. Basic Blender Interface
    3. Viewport Configuration and Layout
    4. Display Settings and Menu Rollouts
    5. Select, Undo/Redo, and Space Search
    6. Rendering an Image
    7. Viewport Controls and Settings
    8. Transforms and User Preferences
    9. Select and Deselect
    10. Primitives
    11. Append
    12. Primitive Properties
    13. 3D Cursor and Object Position
    14. Edit and Object Mode
    15. Grease Pencil
    16. Pivots and Object Origin
    17. 3D Cursor
    18. Transform Orientation and Duplicate
    19. Polygon, Vertex, and Edge
    20. Object Mode Keys
    21. Edit Mode Keys
    22. Limit Selection to Visible
    23. Viewport Shading and Smoothing
    24. Insert, Delete, Dissolve Edge
    25. Edge Split and Create Edge
    26. Merge
    27. User Preferences and Key Commands
    28. Outliner
    29. Modifiers
    30. Piling Modifiers
    31. Snaps (Edit and Object Mode)
    32. Snap to Grid
    33. Splines
    34. Rendering Splines
    35. Splines in Edit Mode
    36. Curve Modifier
    37. Path Deform Process
    38. Bevel with Contour Controls
    39. Lathe
    40. Mirror and Symmetrize
    41. Insert
    42. Intersect Tool
    43. Fill, Bridge, and Grid Fill
    44. Bend
    45. Pivot Positioning
    46. Fill
    47. Grease Pencil Revisited
    48. Duplicate and Linked Duplicate
    49. Appending and Saving Selected
    50. Layers
    51. Boolean
    52. Smooth Shading
    53. Arrays
    54. Solidify
    55. Subdivide
    56. Proportional Editing
    57. Mesh Deform
    58. Basic Light Settings
    59. Basic Edge Placement for Sub D Surfaces
    60. Final Practical
  2. Elements of Visual Design
    1. Getting Started
    2. Balance
    3. Unity
    4. Gradation
    5. Harmony
    6. Dominance
    7. Repetition
    8. Contrast
    9. Gestalt
    10. Space
    11. Symmetry and Asymmetry
    12. Gathering and Filtering
    13. Style Guides
    14. Form and Structure
    15. Silhouette and Visual Reference
    16. Tonal Studies
    17. Light
    18. Ball Study
    19. Visual Depth
    20. Tactile Texture / Visual Texture / Pattern
    21. Volume
    22. Visual Narrative I
    23. Visual Narrative II
    24. Final Practical
  3. Texture Maps and Digital Painting
    1. Getting Started
    2. Photoshop Texture Maps
    3. Custom Brushes
    4. Style Sheets and Ortho Concepts
    5. Creature Design
    6. DDO, NDO, and 3DO in Photoshop
    7. Quixel
    8. Map Types
    9. What is Physically Based Rendering?
    10. Ambient Occlusion (AO) Maps
    11. ID Maps
    12. Using the Quixel Suite
    13. Using NDO I
    14. Using 3DO I
    15. NDO Practical
    16. Accessing Material ID Links
    17. Using DDO I
    18. Saving DDO Smart Materials
    19. Using DDO II
    20. Using DDO III
    21. Create Base (Albedo / Specular / Reflection / AO / Normal)
    22. Lowering Preview Resolution and Viewing IDs in Real-Time
    23. Combining Normal Information
    24. Layers and Blending Modes in DDO
    25. The Mask Editor and Mask Paint
    26. Brush Combining in Photoshop and Blender
    27. Grouping Layers
    28. Final Practical
  4. 3D Modeling II
    1. Getting Started
    2. Basic Photoshop
    3. Tile Texture
    4. Wacom Tablet Properties
    5. Layers
    6. Lights
    7. Sizing and Saving Texture Maps
    8. Texel Density
    9. Basic UV Unwrap
    10. The UV Editor
    11. Adding Maps to Objects
    12. Auto and Smart Unwrap
    13. To Sphere
    14. Unwrap Follow Active Quads
    15. Setting Seams for UVW Unwrap
    16. Smoothing and UV Elements
    17. Element Selection
    18. Positioning of Unwrap Elements
    19. Weld, Stitch, and Breaking UV Elements
    20. Relaxing UV Vertices and Elements
    21. Packing UV Elements
    22. Mesh Smooth and Edge Crease
    23. Cycles in Blender
    24. Texture Paint
    25. Basic Sculpt
    26. Baking ID Maps
    27. Baked Textures
    28. Creating Normal Maps
    29. Sub-D Modeling Intro
    30. Final Practical
  5. Elements of Digital Design
    1. Getting Started
    2. Stylized 3d Character
    3. Man Made Prop
    4. 3d Tree
    5. Underwater Vehicle
  6. 3D Modeling III
    1. Getting Started
    2. Anatomy (Hands)
    3. Anatomy (Feet)
    4. Anatomy (Head)
    5. Anatomy (Arm, Leg)
    6. Anatomy (Chest, Back)
    7. Anatomy (Creature - Cat)
    8. Anatomy (Creature - Horse)
    9. Anatomy (Bird)
    10. Anatomy (Creature - Dinosaur)
    11. Anatomy (Structural Design - Wings)
    12. Edge Flow, Relaxed Edge Flow
    13. Anatomy and Edge Flow
    14. Supporting Edges (Structural)
    15. Supporting Edges (Curved Mesh)
    16. Mirror and Edge Flow
    17. Weighted Vertices
    18. Armature in 3d (Skin Modifier)
    19. Edge Flow for Animated Meshes
    20. Fixing Texture Seams
    21. Digital Sculpting
    22. Solidify to Set Up Clothing
    23. Script UV Squares Master
    24. Script Mesh Align to G Pencil
    25. Final Practical
  7. 3D Sculpture
    1. Getting Started
    2. Orthographic Planes
    3. Alpha Settings and Transparency
    4. X-Ray
    5. Blocking Out the Leg
    6. Adding the Mirror Modifier
    7. Defining the Back of the Neck
    8. Creating the Feet
    9. Creating the Head I
    10. Creating the Head II
    11. Creating the Hands I
    12. Creating the Hands II
    13. Creating the Arms
    14. Creating the Toes
    15. Eyes and Teeth
    16. Final Base Mesh (Ready for Sculpt)
    17. The Multiresolution Modifier
    18. Setting Up the Sculpt Menu
    19. Laying Down Clay Strips
    20. Refining the Sculpt
    21. Sculpting Details
    22. Duplicate Mesh, Create Low and High Variation
    23. Spaced (Relax) Vertices and Tight Mesh Areas
    24. Texture Projections
    25. Projection Snaps and Retopo
    26. Final Practical
  8. Sub-D Modeling
    1. Getting Started
    2. Add/Delete Edge Loops to Define Volumes
    3. Unwrapping Separate Objects (Sub-Objects)
    4. Baking Normal Maps (Blender)
    5. Baking Normal Maps (XNormal)
    6. Apply Normal Maps to Mesh
    7. Texture Paint Mode and Brushes
    8. Mirror in Paint Mode
    9. Stencils
    10. UV Unwrap Guidelines
    11. Normal Map Errors and Extreme Stretching
    12. Normal Map Elements (XYZ, Color, Designation)
    13. Additional Projects
    14. Final Practical
  9. Digital Lighting and Game Engines
    1. Getting Started
    2. New Project and UI Overview
    3. Viewport Navigation
    4. View Modes and Show Flags
    5. Placing Objects in a Level
    6. Content Browser
    7. Material Creation I
    8. Material Creation II
    9. Basic Lighting
    10. Basic Blueprints
    11. Lights and Settings
    12. Shadows
    13. Light Behavior I
    14. Light Behavior II
    15. Three Point Lighting
    16. Time of Day Lighting
    17. Translucency and Projections
    18. Game Engine Lighting I
    19. Game Engine Lighting II
    20. Final Practical
  10. Character Design and Animation
    1. Getting Started
    2. Modeling the Base Mesh
    3. Sculpting the Character
    4. Retopology
    5. UV Mapping and Texture Baking
    6. Texture Painting
    7. Rigging the Character
    8. Creating Animation Cycles
    9. Setting Up in Unity
    10. Final Practical
  11. (CAPSTONE) Final Practical and Portfolio
    1. Final Practical and Essay
    2. Portfolio Development
    3. Career/Next Steps Consultation



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